The Alumni program at Northern Bay College, now in its second year, has benefitted from talented and knowledgeable alumni who have returned to their own school to share their insights on life post school. This program runs a variety of alumni events, including career panels.

Co-ordinator Alison Meredith said “hearing from real-world people, people who grew up in the same neighbourhood, is so impactful and has hopefully inspired students in our career panels to think about their own future pathway.

“A career panel was held to help Year 9 students start to think longer term, to begin to decide what pathway they might want to get into, and to be exposed to lots of different careers.

“Inviting back five alumni guests to our Goldsworthy Campus, in a question and answer format, we asked them to speak on their career, or study, and to explain what they do, and how they go into their pathway.

“Our panel (pictured) consisted of: Kellee Reissinger (Corio Tech), curator, Geelong Botanic Gardens; Ty Gilson (NBC 2022), Bachelor of Science (Maths and Statistics); Joshua Barling (NBC 2013), industrial electrician; Lisamaree Bottomley (NBC 2020), Bachelor of Environmental Science and working at Corangamite Catchment Authority; and Stephen Kennedy (NBC 2020), timber machinist, A&R Timber.

“An event for Year 7 and 8 students saw many rush up to ask more questions of the featured panel, which comprised Jasmine Lawrence (NBC 2010), In Work support consultant; Luke McConarchy (NBC 2009), electrician and business owner; Samantha Wilson (NBC 2018), Bachelor of Arts and Commerce; and Cody Jeynes (NBC 2022), Bachelor of Space Science Degree.

“Early in the year we welcome back some alumni to speak to our VM (formerly VCAL) students. They were: Tony Harvey (Corio Community College), sport and marketing consultant; Sarah McNiven (NBC 2021), farming apprenticeship; Shae Charlton: (NBC 2020), Interior Design student.”

Are you NBC alumni?

If you attended Corio Tech, Corio North High, Norlane High, Corio Community College, Corio Senior College, Flinders Peak SC, and Northern Bay College, the Alumni program would love to hear from you. Check out the Facebook group for some yearbook photos and updates: or via [email protected].

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