Do you need help to find your dream career? Free appointments are now available at Corio Library, with a professional career counsellor able to help you plan a pathway to your next job. You can also get help with job application documents and job search strategies.

All you need to do is register and make a free, confidential appointment, available each Wednesday You can also attend a drop-in session to get tips on preparing a resume and information on where to search for jobs or qualifications.

Follow-up support includes online career counselling via phone or on campus at The Gordon TAFE, online workshops, and referrals to other organisations, including courses offered at community centres, TAFE and university.

Your privacy is respected, and the free service is separate from Workforce Australia providers.

The free career service is thanks to a partnership between the Gordon Skills and Jobs Centre (SJC) and Geelong Regional Libraries.

Corio Library Co-ordinator Lesley Caelli welcomed the expert service, operating onsite since late May, saying it complemented the library service and included computer and internet access in quiet spaces to prepare job applications.

To book your appointment or learn more, call the Gordon Skills and Job Centre on 5225-0700 or visit

Corio Library is on the corner of Cox Rd and Moa Street.

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