Early last year, the Barwon Adolescent Taskforce (BATForce) approached the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing Community Partnerships team to see if it could support a project to increase employment outcomes, reduce social isolation and support connection to school for a group of CALD youth in 3214. This community-driven project supported young people attending Northern Bay College and their families.
Part of the project was a co-design piece where a small group of women from across community were trained to facilitate conversations in their communities to investigate any additional resources and information that may build the capacity of their communities. Topics such as health and nutrition have been discussed so far and the project looks forward to continuing these great conversations in the future.
The COVID-19 pandemic continued to interrupt planned activities, however BATForce delivered two sessions within the school and continued to advocate for the young people and their families. Connections were made with the Gordon TAFE and Deakin University to develop language courses and integrate work skills conversations; have students on placement at Northern Bay to assist with work readiness skills; and COVIDSafe catch ups were facilitated with community groups.
The flexibility of this funding has been critical in enabling the project to continue to adapt to changes in rules and requirements associated with COVID. Face to face sessions became phone sessions became online meet ups with morning tea delivered. Whilst the project has slowed down, the flexibility has enabled BATForce to continue working alongside the CALD community to develop opportunities that has set some wheels in motion that will provide ongoing support into 2022. If you would like to find out more, email [email protected]