Diversitat is providing extra help for people from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities to find work as part of a Victorian network of Community Employment Connectors. Two Diversitat workers are covering the Barwon South West Region and are among 27 state-wide.

The Victorian Government invested $3.9 million to establish the network of Community Employment Connectors in local communities across the state. The program aims to support jobseekers, particularly in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic.

The Community Employment Connectors provide individual support to help jobseekers navigate and connect with employment, education and training services. They support clients age 16 and over from CALD backgrounds who face barriers to employment and training pathways. The CECs are also helping adults from CALD backgrounds who face barriers to securing sustainable employment.

The program is in recognition that there could have been a number of challenges to full economic participation pre-covid, which have been compounded further by the effects of the pandemic. It focuses on delivering extra support and brokerage services that respond to the needs of CALD communities and young jobseekers.

If you or anyone you know could benefit from the services, email [email protected].

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