Our Place Northern Bay has a range of weekly programs and activities for families to try. The team has provided the following information:
Are you looking for a fun, friendly and supportive playgroup? The Wexford Supported Playgroup runs on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 9.30am until 11am, during school terms.
Storytime is also a good opportunity to come along and listen to stories, songs and meet others. With a guest reader from local community services and organisations each week, it is a great way to spend time with your child and foster their love of reading.
Remember your baby/child is never too young to be introduced to reading. Storytime runs every Thursday morning during term from 9.10am until 9.30am.
My Time is a free program offered every Wednesday morning from 9am-11am, during term. My Time is for parents and carers of a child with a disability, chronic medical condition or other additional needs including developmental delay. It is a space to unwind and share experiences with others who understand.
Our Place Northern Bay also has parenting programs, free support for families throughEarly Help Families Support, English Conversation group and more.
All programs are free and anyone from the local community is welcome.
For more information and to keep up to date with activities on the site and in the local community, follow us on Facebook facebook.com/ourplacenorthernbay send an email to [email protected] or drop by and say hello to the staff of Our Place – Rebecca, Tanya and Karen. We are situated at Korayn Birralee Family Centre, 146 Purnell Road, Corio.