St Andrew’s Church in Corio provides important support for the community with its Foodshare program. Spokesperson Anne Asciak said the program has been running for more than 20 years.

The community Foodshare program is open Tuesday to Friday from 10am until 3pm. It takes place at the rear of the Op Shop (next to the church) in Bacchus Marsh Road.

The program is for Centrelink Card Holders who live in the church’s service range – Corio, North Shore, Bell Post Hill, Lovely Banks and some parts of North Geelong.

Anne said the program is run by volunteers who enjoy helping others and “doing something for the community.”

Eligible community members can receive a food parcel once a month. Each parcel contains pantry staples such as long-life milk, cereal, bread, pasta, pasta sauce and tinned goods. Additional items are sometimes available.

Anne said food for the service is received from Food Bank and Geelong Food Relief, as well as donations from the community. A recent appeal through Bay FM resulted in a restock of the shelves that had been “almost empty”.

The service welcomes donations of non-perishable food items as well as excess fruit and vegetables from people who grow their own produce. They can be delivered during the program’s opening hours.

For more information, phone 0451-095-881.

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