Corio Norlane Lions Club has celebrated six years of serving the local community through a range of programs and activities.
The club has been running a bike program for almost three years. Members obtain secondhand bicycles either by purchase or donation, clean them, repair them and paint them and then give them away. So far, the club has provided more than 1600 bikes to children and families.
Members are planning to build a shed to support a Work for the Dole Program, to provide support for locals and refugee families to improve their job skills. Member John McKinnin has received enormous satisfaction and praise for supporting this program.
The Lions club’s breakfast program has been reviewed and now provides $1000 per term to Northern Bay College, Goldsworthy Road campus where the canteen provides a healthy breakfast and now supports up to 60 students per morning.
The Winter Blanket Appeal is now called Road Home Geelong and between March and October each year members collect blankets, jackets, hats, scarves, gloves and hygiene items. All items are distributed to the homeless throughout Geelong via the local agencies. This appeal also encourages people to talk about and consider the desperation of the homeless and their families.
The club’s computer program has been running for six years, where secondhand computer equipment is cleaned and software installed, then donated to families. More than 400 computer systems have been delivered to families.
Corio Norlane Lions members hold barbecues at ALDI Corio on the second Saturday of each month to raise money to support the breakfast program. The Lions Golden Opportunity Community Shop at 55 Alkira Avenue, Norlane is also doing well, staffed by volunteers.
The club is aiming to involve students and young adults in community projects. If you are over 12 and interested in helping improve your local community; if you have any items that you could donate; or if you’re interested in supporting in any way, contact the secretary Richard Walter: [email protected] or 0490-802-003.