Norlane West Scout Group continued to operate during COVID-19 restrictions and is preparing for a return to halls at the start of Term 3.

Group Leader Kim Brian said Scouting across Victoria has been active online since the last week of Term 1, with weekly – and in some cases twice-weekly – online meetings for more than 20,000 young people.

“We believe Victorian families – especially young people – need support at this time,” Kim said.  “Many young people are missing the social interaction they enjoyed through school and sport, but Scouting can fill the gap.”

Kim said volunteer leaders and youth members are running online meetings. They have also participated in a state-wide sleepover with 2000 Joeys Scouts (aged 5-7) and held an overnight backyard camp with the Cubs and Scouts all connected online.

Work has also continued to raise funds online through the annual Scout Monster Raffle, while also planning for a return to outdoor Scouting.

“It is a great time for new families to check out Scouting as Scouts Victoria has scrapped membership fees till March 31 next year to support Scouting families in 400 communities across the State,” Kim said. “Families will still need to purchase uniform items and pay for any camps and excursions their children participate in. 

“We recognise that many families will be financially affected, or suffering stress or uncertainty, so we want to do our bit to support families at this critical time.

Email membership inquiries to [email protected]  or go to For more information Kim Brian, phone 0425-783-995

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