Are you a parent or carer with child car restraints in your car? Do you know if they are correctly fitted?
The Safe Seats, Safe Kids program is available in Corio to check and put your mind at rest. It delivers a state-wide series of events where parents and carers can book in for a child car restraint safety check.
Correctly fitted child car restraints and booster seats play a crucial part in protecting children from serious injury and death in the event of an accident. Alarmingly, 70 per cent of them are not correctly fitted or used, making injury around seven times more likely.
Professional fitters are engaged to perform the checks to ensure child car restraints are installed and are being used correctly, as well as to educate families so they are equipped to check that their child is safe in the car every trip.
The next session at Cloverdale Community Centre, in Purnell Road, Corio is on November 18. A session will also be held at SpringDale Neighbourhood House in Drysdale on November 26.
To book and appointment or to pre-register your interest in future dates, go to:
These events are hosted by Kidsafe Victoria in partnership with Neighbourhood Houses Victoria, with support by the Victorian State Government.