Researchers at Deakin University want to talk to parents and caregivers of primary school aged children about packing school lunch boxes.
Honours student Kimberley Watson-Mackie’s research project is “School lunch boxes: are parents and caregivers under pressure?”
“The project aims to explore the experiences of lunchbox preparation by parents and caregivers in Victoria, and their adherence to the school policies,” Kimberley said. “This research will shed light on the lunchbox options of primary school aged children in low-income families, including any challenges in creating healthy lunchboxes.”
Participation in the research involves an interview, lasting approximately 30 to 60 minutes, that is conducted either remotely or in person.
Parents and carers will be invited to talk about managing their child’s tastes, working with school policies, cost pressures and trying to make the lunchbox as healthy as possible.
Participants will receive a $20 voucher to thank them for their time.
If you receive the Parenting Payment or JobSeeker Payment, have children in primary school and would like to participate in an interview about the pressures associated with lunch boxes, contact the research team.
For more information, contact Dr Fiona McKay, phone 9251-7183 or email [email protected].