Norlane’s Brandon Dellow was among six outstanding young people recently honoured at the Geelong Youth Awards.

Brandon, 21, won the Community Citizenship Award for his work in mental health, cultural diversity, equal opportunities, human rights, education, the community and Type 1 diabetes.

Brandon was instrumental in growing and contributing to the 3214 Faces & Places facebook page, which aims to promote the positive aspects of the northern suburbs. He has also been working at grass roots levels at The fOrT youth centre.

The former Northern Bay P-12 College student is also a member of Humans in Geelong, a voluntary team offering a young perspective, spreading positivity and hope to all members of the community. He contributes stories in a professional and reliable manner, often highlighting Geelong’s rich multicultural element.

Over the past three years Brandon has been working at Northern Bay P-12 College in education support, community engagement, and as media and reporting co-ordinator for Northern Bay Promise. He also provides education support for the college’s English as an Additional Language students and worked with organisers of cultural celebrations including Harmony Day, Cultural Diversity Week, Refugee Week and NAIDOC Week.

Brandon’s long-term goal is to obtain his teaching degree, teaching EAL, to eventually travel overseas to teach in classrooms for refugees.

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